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Posted by Lascelles Pinnock

Nose & Mouth

The nose is an area of the body that contains many tiny blood vessels or arterioles that can break easily. In the United States, one of every seven people will develop a nosebleed some time in their lifetime. Nosebleeds can occur at any age but are most common in children aged 2-10 years and adults […]

Nose Surgery

Posted by Lascelles Pinnock

Nose & Mouth

Each year thousands of people undergo surgery of the nose. Nasal surgery may be performed for cosmetic purposes, or a combination procedure to improve both form and function. It also may alleviate or cure nasal breathing problems, correct deformities from birth or injury, or support an aging, drooping nose. Patients who are considering nasal surgery […]

Nasal Fractures

Posted by Lascelles Pinnock

Nose & Mouth

What is a nasal fracture? Getting struck on the nose, whether by another person, a door, or the floor is not pleasant. Your nose will hurt — usually a lot. You’ll likely have a nose bleed and soon find it difficult to breathe through your nose. Swelling develops both inside and outside the nose, and […]